
Thursday, March 1, 2018

McLaren A150B (not Tag-McLaren)

Many would not have heard of the McLaren brand of amplifiers from NZ. I certainly didn't till I was looking to setup a proper hifi set of my own when living in Auckland, New Zealand in the late 1980(s).

Please do not confuse the NZ McLaren brand of amplifiers with the Tag-McLaren series which was basically Audiolab UK with better quality components and finishing.

The 1st McLaren I encountered was the A150 (70W per channel) integrated amplifier at a electronics shop then located near the bottom of Parnell Rise (around 1990). Was not too impressed by it's abilities.

The 2nd McLaren model I came across was the A150B (hifi dealer's home on the North Shore) and it's reproduction was much improved but had a upper HF cutoff. The reproduction was quite decent for a 75W integrated amp driving the Celestion SL6s properly.

For my then available budget, it was a definate shortlister along with the Onix OA20.

Pix of McLaren A150B from AudioNZ


  1. I've still got mine. Bruce Crothers, who had a hand in designing the amp, did some tweaks for me at his home in Johnsonville Wgtn. It's a bit long in the tooth now so I'm looking to replace it.

    1. If you still have your McLaren amp and are keen to sell it please let me know (richard@writingrealized.com). Thanks very much.

    2. I have developed new modifications if you are interested see mcLarenaudio.net. Bruce Crothers

    3. Wish I knew how to contact yourself when I was in still living in Wlgtn ....

  2. OIC ... wish I knew he was in J'ville coz I was living in that suburb for a few years and would have love to contact him for some amp tuning work done - so close, yet so far away

  3. There's an Astral selling ATM on Trademe. One channel dead.
